Vocational Technical Education as a Tool for Sustainable Development in Nigeria
Category : Latest Publications
Vocational Technical Education as a Tool for Sustainable Development in Nigeria
Olaleye Adebayo Adeyemi
Department of Technical Education, Oyo State College of Education, Lanlate
E-mail: olaleyeadebayoadeyemi2470@gmail.com
Tel: 08066295556
General consensus is that education is the most powerful instrument man has devised so far to shape his own fortune. While Vocational technical education in particular is the cornerstone for any sustainable technological development and society. Its relevant practical training components hold the key to Nigeria becoming technologically developed. This paper focused on vocational and technical education as a tool for sustainable development in Nigeria. The paper dwelt on the concept, historical overview of vocational and technical education in Nigeria as well as its roles in sustainable development. The constraints to vocational and technical education which affects its efficiency in sustainable developments were enumerated. It is expected that this paper would empower the stakeholders, especially the policy-makers, so that they genuinely accept vocational technical education as an equally important component of achieving sustainable development through the total learning system providing relevant knowledge, skills and competencies for employability, quality living and learning outcome. Consequently, vocational technical education is seen as the master key because it has the ability to open all the doors of life-long learning and improve the vocational expertise and consequently the quality of living which are components of sustainable development. Some of the recommendations proffered are that vocational and technical education should be integrated properly into the general education system. Government should provide adequate fund to support polytechnics and technical colleges to ensure that facilities are provided and maintained. The government should endeavour to develop a culture of entrepreneurial thinking by integrating entrepreneurship into nation’s education system.
Key Words: VTE, Tool, Sustainable development, Nigeria.