Effects of Sequential Teaching Method on Achievement and Interest of Students in Automobile Technology in Colleges of Education (Technical) in North East Nigeria
Category : Latest Publications
Effects of Sequential Teaching Method on Achievement and Interest of Students in Automobile Technology in Colleges of Education (Technical) in North East Nigeria
1Prof. J. D. Lkama & 2Aliyu Musa
1Department of Technology Education, Modibbo Adama University Yola. Adamawa State
2Department of Automobile Technology. Federal College of Education (Technical), Potiskum. Yobe State
Correspondence email address: musa.aliyu8@gmail.com
Abstract: –The study was set to determine the Effects of Sequential Teaching Method on Achievement and Interest of Students in Automobile Technology in Colleges of Education (Technical) in North East Nigeria. The study answered two research questions and tested two null hypotheses. The quasi pre-test, post-test non-equivalent group design and a checklist were used for the study. The population for the study comprised of a total of 246 NCE II (Technical) students drawn from Federal Colleges of Education (Technical) Potiskum and Gombe both in North East Nigeria. The instruments used for data collection were Auto-Electrical System Achievement Test (AESAT) and Auto-Electrical System Students Interest Inventory (AESSII) developed by the researcher. The instruments were face and content validated by experts in Automobile Technology Education. The validated instruments were trial tested on 105 students and analyzed using Cronbach Alpha and Kuder Ricardson Formula 21 (KR-21). The reliability for the instruments stood at 0.78 for AESAT and 0.63 for AESSII. The data collected were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research question. While Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the null hypothesis one and ANOVA was used to test null hypothesis two at 0.05 level of significance with the help of SPSS statistics. A post-hoc test was conducted to justify the reasons for rejection of the null hypotheses. It was found that students taught Automobile Technology using sequential teaching method had higher mean achievement scores than those taught using lecture and demonstration methods of teaching. The students taught Automobile Technology developed high interest when taught using sequential method of teaching. There was a significant difference in the mean achievement score of students taught Automobile Technology using lecture, demonstration and sequential method of teaching. Significant difference exists in the mean interest level of students taught Automobile Technology than those taught using lecture, demonstration and sequential teaching methods of teaching. Based on the findings of this research, it was recommended among others that teachers in Colleges of education should adopt the use of sequential teaching methods to improve the academic achievement and interest level of students. Government should make it as a matter of policy that teachers should make use of sequential teaching methods to enable students to develop high interest in learning.
Keywords: Teaching method, Sequential, Achievement and Interest