This study explores the extent to which strategic orientation relates with organizational agility of manufacturing firms in Rivers state. The dimensions adopted were entrepreneurial orientation and market orientation while sensing ability and decision making ability were the measures adopted for organizational agility. Four manufacturing firms in Rivers state were selected within Port Harcourt Metropolis namely; Adamac Group of Companies, Adex Group of Companies, Cinjex Group of Companies, West African Glass Industry Plc. Forty (40) employees were randomly selected from each of the firms. Spearman Rank order correlation was used to test the stated hypotheses. Our findings reveal a significant relationship between the two dimensions of strategic orientation and the measures of organizational agility.
Eleanya Ojuu Kalu1 and B. Chima Onuoha2
Doctoral Student, Department of Management, University of Port Harcourt.
Professor of Management, Department of Management, University of Port Harcourt
This study examined the relationship between business model innovation and competitive advantage of manufacturing firm in Rivers state, Nigeria. The cross-sectional survey design was utilized and a total population of 290 supervisors and managers from ten (10) manufacturing firms in Rivers State was covered. A sample size of 165 managers and supervisors was drawn as the sample size of the study. Data were collected using copies of well-structured questionnaire and the simple random sampling technique was utilized in the study. The data was analyzed using the Spearman’s Rank Order Correlation and Partial Correlation. The result of the analysis revealed that the dimensions of business model innovation (Value Creation Innovation and Value Innovation) have a significant positive relationship with differentiation and organizational responsiveness. It was concluded that enhanced business model innovation in terms of value creation innovation and value innovation will help improve the competitive advantage of manufacturing firms. The study recommended amongst others that management of manufacturing firms should constantly train their employees in order to develop new competence as such will help improve their competitive advantage in the industry.
Keywords: Business model innovation; Value Creation Innovation; Value Innovation; Differentiation; Organizational Responsiveness.
Prof. Nkechi Ikediugwu & Agbaizu, Ifeoma Fidelia Department of Educational Management and Policy Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
The study assessed teachers’ compliance to Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria code of conduct on duties to employer and society in public secondary schools in Anambra State. The study was guided by two research questions and two null hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. A descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study comprised 6,659 respondents made up of 263 principals and 6,396 teachers in all the public secondary schools in Anambra State. Multi-stage sampling procedure was utilized to draw a sample size of 691 respondents made up of 51 principals and 640 teachers. A researcher-developed questionnaire titled ‘‘Teachers Compliance to TRCN Professional Code of Conduct on Duties to Employer and Society Questionnaire (TCTPCCDESQ)’’ was used for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts; who are lecturers, two in the Department of Educational Management and Policy and one specialist in Measurement and Evaluation in Department of Educational Foundations, all in the Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University. Cronbach alpha was used for test of internal consistency of TCTPCCDESQ and the reliability indices obtained for the two clusters were 0.78, and 0.76 respectively, and the overall coefficient value of 0.77 which are considered the instrument to be reliable for the study. The researcher together with five research assistants collected data for the study using direct administration method and 95% return rate was recorded. Mean and standard deviation scores were used to answer the research questions, while t-test was used to test the hypotheses. The findings of the study revealed among others that teachers do not comply to TRCN code of conduct with respect to their duties to employer in public secondary schools in Anambra State. It was also found out that teachers comply to TRCN code of conduct with respect to their duties to society in public secondary schools in Anambra State. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria in conjunction with relevant authorities should design a programme on teachers’ professional code of code which lay more emphasizes on teachers duties to employers as compulsory course for all students in Faculty of Education in tertiary institutions.
Key words: Assessment, Teachers, Compliance, Code of Conduct, Duties, Employer, Society
Prof. Perpetua Okorji & Nzewi, Felicia Ebelechukwu Department of Educational Management and Policy Faculty of Education, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka
The unfavourable nature of organizational culture of secondary schools which impedes creativity prompted the study to investigate organizational culture in schools as correlates of teachers’ job satisfaction in public secondary schools in Abia State. The study was guided by three research questions and three hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Correlational research design was adopted for the study. The population of the study consisted of 4,812 teachers in the 277 public secondary schools in Abia State. A sample size of 722 teachers was drawn for the study using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Two set of instruments titled “Organizational Culture Scale (OCS) adopted from Suvaci (2018) and “Teachers’ Job Satisfaction Scale (TJSC)’’ adopted from Nanjundeswaraswamy (2019) were used for data collection. The adopted standardized instruments required no validation. The instruments were subjected to test of internal consistency using Cronbach alpha which yielded overall coefficient of 0.80 for OCS and 0.77 for TJSC. The researcher together with three research assistants administered copies of the questionnaires directly to the respondents and a 98 percent return rate of the instruments was recorded. Data were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation for the research questions 1 and 2, and t-test of correlation for the hypotheses 1 and 2, while multiple regression to answer research question 3 and hypothesis 3. The findings of the study revealed among others that there is strong relationship between supportive organizational culture in schools and teachers’ job satisfaction in public secondary schools in Abia State. It was also found out that bureaucratic organizational culture in schools has weak positive relationship with teachers’ job satisfaction in public secondary schools in Abia State. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that principals should reduce the rigidity in bureaucratic organizational culture that minimizes the freedom of staff to execute tasks in order to enhance their job satisfaction.
1. Nalong Maina Urechukwu Department of Mass Communication Post Graduate Studies Gregory University Uturu
2. Uwaoma Kalu Uche, PhD Department of Mass Communication Gregory University Uturu Email U
3. Okorafor, Prince Ikpo Library Department Gregory University Uturu
This paper focuses generally on the role of the mass media in Nigerian electoral process as it pertains to overall development of Nigeria. The background is the recognition of the central role of the media in political and social affairs as a natural outcome of its unlimited communicative strength and outreach. The statement of problem is anchored on the wide spread negative image of the media in electioneering campaigns in Nigeria’s political history. The objective of this seminar is to readdress media practice in Nigeria to its fundamental ethical journalistic foundation as basis for positive contribution to national integration. It is also aimed at the examination of both external (official) and internal obstacles that hinder the realization of the goal. This paper uses the method of comparative phenomenological analysis to examine the performances of the media in Nigerian electoral process with regard to its fundamental roles to inform, educate, entertain and monitor in the electoral process.
ODONGO, LUCY EFFIONG (M.Sc) Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Science, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden, Mkpat Enin/Obio Akpa, Oruk Anam
SAMUEL OKUREBIA (PhD) Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Science, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden, Mkpat Enin/Obio Akpa, Oruk Anam
AARON AKPAN (PhD) Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Science, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden, Mkpat Enin/Obio Akpa, Oruk Anam
ABSTRACT:This study examined the effect of corporate governance on organizational performance at Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic. The study employed survey research techniques to collect data from 43 academic board members at Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic from the population of the study, which was 47. The instrument for data gathering was a structured questionnaire designed in line with the objective of the study. The collected data were analyzed using frequency tables and simple percentages, and regression analysis was used in testing the hypotheses. Findings from the collected data revealed that board independence has a significant effect on organizational performance in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic; the code of ethics has a significant effect on organizational performance in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic; board size has a significant effect on organizational performance in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic. The study recommended, amongst others, that board meetings of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic should be held more frequently for the purpose of influencing organizational performance positively from the critical issues discussed in the meeting; also, in accordance with the code of corporate governance in Nigeria, the number of non-executive directors should be higher than the number of executive directors in the board composition of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic; and finally, the study recommended that the board size of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic should be improved as the size of organization increase for the purpose of influencing the entity’s organizational performance positively.
Keywords: Corporate governance, Board independence, Code of ethics, Organization performance in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic
The question of whether Nigeria should be restructured amidst the myriad of issues confronting her as a state constituted a major debate in academic discourses. Since independence in 1960, post-colonial Nigeria is characterized by challenges that are not only irreconcilable but are begging for the right antidote. While many feel restructuring is the only panacea to Nigeria’s post-colonial challenges, others disagree. This paper, therefore, aimed at interrogating Nigeria’s post-colonial challenges while figuring restructuring as the rescue approach. The paper uses primary and secondary data to enhance the objective analysis of the phenomena in focus. It posits that though; restructuring as widely canvass is imperative in reconciling the inherent contradictions in Nigeria’s socio-economic and political architecture, it should not be viewed within the context of divisional or regional creations. The paper argues that restructuring should be done within the context of good governance, ensuring equity and accountability. The paper’s conclusion is that restructuring in the context of good governance will mitigate corruption, nepotism, and ethnicity, among others leading to the development of Nigeria.
The main objective of the paper is to investigate the implications of corruption on employment in Nigeria. To achieve this, a model of unemployment is built using corruption, economic growth and foreign direct investment as independent variables. Time series data covering the period of 1996 to 2021 was used. From literature, it is discovered that these two variables might be indirectly related through economic growth and FDI. The VAR model was done on the data to get out the indirect relationship. Findings of the work revealed that, corruption elicits negative positive impact on unemployment showing that employment level in the country declines as corruption permeates the economy. And that, other variables pass through corruption to unemployment. Consequently, it was recommended that any attempt of the government to boost employment in Nigeria could be tantamount to futility if the menace of corruption is not dealt with head-on.
ODONGO, LUCY EFFIONG (M.Sc) Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Science, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden, Mkpat Enin/Obio Akpa, Oruk Anam
SAMUEL OKUREBIA (PhD) Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Science, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden, Mkpat Enin/Obio Akpa, Oruk Anam
AARON AKPAN (PhD) Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Science, Akwa Ibom State University, Ikot Akpaden, Mkpat Enin/Obio Akpa, Oruk Anam
ABSTRACT:This study examined the effect of corporate governance on organizational performance at Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic. The study employed survey research techniques to collect data from 43 academic board members at Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic from the population of the study, which was 47. The instrument for data gathering was a structured questionnaire designed in line with the objective of the study. The collected data were analyzed using frequency tables and simple percentages, and regression analysis was used in testing the hypotheses. Findings from the collected data revealed that board independence has a significant effect on organizational performance in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic; the code of ethics has a significant effect on organizational performance in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic; board size has a significant effect on organizational performance in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic. The study recommended, amongst others, that board meetings of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic should be held more frequently for the purpose of influencing organizational performance positively from the critical issues discussed in the meeting; also, in accordance with the code of corporate governance in Nigeria, the number of non-executive directors should be higher than the number of executive directors in the board composition of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic; and finally, the study recommended that the board size of Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic should be improved as the size of organization increase for the purpose of influencing the entity’s organizational performance positively.
Keywords: Corporate governance, Board independence, Code of ethics, Organization performance in Akwa Ibom State Polytechnic
Omogbehin Samson Adehuga, Umar Itopa Sheriff and Olatunji Olalekan Department of Science Laboratory Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Ile-Oluji, Ondo State Corresponding Author:
Pollution of Water caused by synthetic pesticides in water bodies have been a great concern globally and in developing countries such as Nigeria in particular as most of these pesticide compounds are persistent and bio-accumulative with high toxicity effects on ecosystems and humans. Among these pollutants, Organochlorine and Organophosphate Pesticides are found as one of the most hazardous because of their toxicity to organisms. This study investigate the levels of Organochlorine and Organophosphate pesticide residues in samples of water collected from Owe river, Ile-Oluji, Ondo State. Composite samples of the waters were collected randomly from four sampling point and analyzed for Organochlorine and Organophosphate pesticide residues using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometer The results shows the presence of the Organochlorine pesticide residues in the following range: beta.- Lindane (0.01—0.06); Gamma – Lindane (0.03—0.25); delta – Lindane (0.16—2.26); Endosulfan ether (0.86-4.96); aldrin (BDL— 0.03); Chlordane (ND—0.36); alpha-endosulphan (BDL –0.09); Dicofol (ND— 0.05); Mirex (0.02 – 0.03); beta-endosulphan (0.06— 1.11); p,p,, DDT (0.05—0.07); Heptachlor (0.03—0.05); endrin (0.01—0.03); Methoxychlor (0.06— 0.07) and Organophosphate pesticide residues in the following range: azinphos methyl (0.32); Coumaphos (0.35-0.38); Dimethoate (4.13 -28.57); Merphos (0.13-3.93). The results revealed higher level of Organochlorine in the water and the Organophosphate residues. The mean concentrations of some of the sampling sites were below the permissible limit for WHO while some are higher than the permissible limit. This therefore necessitates a continuous monitoring.
Keywords: Organochlorine, Organophosphate Gas Chromatography, Pollution, Water