African Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Development (AJSAD)

African Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Development

African Journal of Sustainable Agricultural Development (DOI: 10.46654/2714, ISSN: 2714-4402) is a journal that offers quarterly publication of research articles in the agricultural discipline. The journal aims to represent and publish research in trending areas of global concern carried out by scholars and practitioners of Agriculture. This includes studies and reviews conducted to address issues that border on sustainable agricultural development, as well as research which evaluate or report findings of such scholars.

The Journal is an open-access refereed journal that is indexed in various databases including Google Scholar, Open Academic Journals Index, Crossref, CITEFACTOR, International Institute of Organized Research, Index Copernicus International, etc. and welcomes submissions from authors at all levels.

Submission E-mail: EDITOR@IJAAR.ORG

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Impact Factor

2018 : 3.466

2015 : 0.676

Current impact factor evaluation is in progress.

Call for papers

Research Articles written in English Language are invited from interested researchers in the academic community and other establishments for publication. Authors who wish to submit manuscripts should ensure that the manuscripts have not been submitted elsewhere neither is it under consideration in another journal. The articles should be the original work of the authors. High quality theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, literature reviews, book reviews, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, technical note from researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students from all over the world are welcomed.